Saturday 28 September 2013

Enigma: Detailed Shot List

Me and Becky spent roughly two hours sorting out shots, camera angles and timings. We came up with a rough guide and I have typed it up into a neat table online. Next to sort out is the lights. 

The shot list is what we have roughly pictured in our heads. 

More Work on Angles in extended post


  1. Rename this 'Detailed Shot List'. You can also indicate chosen transitions in a comment below. I'm guessing your intention is cuts throughout, but you can indicate if any difference to that and why. Am thinking especially the slower bit of the song/powder paint section!

  2. The pace of the shots is generally fast throughout, however, at the guitar solo is changes pace. It gets slower and the powder paint section fits in well with it. The music video slows down at that section then starts to speed up again, following the nature of the music. The transition types are generally clean cuts, at the end I plan for it to fade to black. If there was to be a range in different transition effects, I think it would look tacky.
